Suzanne Moxhay
Nata nel 1976, vive e lavora a Londra. Si è laureata alla Royal Academy Schools e ha esposto sia a livello nazionale che internazionale dal 2002. Il suo lavoro è conservato in molte importanti collezioni pubbliche e private tra cui la University of the Arts Collection, la Royal Academy of Arts, The Cooper Union New York, l’FSC, la Lodeveans Collection e l’Università di Oxford.
È apparsa in numerose pubblicazioni tra cui The Guardian, Corriere della Sera, Liberation, The Wall Street Journal, A-N Magazine, Art World Magazine e Aesthetica ed è stata profilata e intervistata al BBC Culture Show. Le sue mostre includono “GSK Contemporary: Earth Art of a Changing World” e “Constructed Landscapes” presso la Royal Academy of Arts, “Saatchi’s New Sensations/The Future Can Wait” presso Victoria House, Londra e “Human Made Things” presso Aspex Gallery, Portsmouth e ‘Modell-Naturen’ che hanno girato gallerie pubbliche in Germania per tutto il 2019. Ha realizzato tre stampe commissionate dalla Royal Academy of Arts.
Selezione di mostre personali: Tableaux Vivants Galerie G, La Garde, Provenza, Francia (2020); Conservatory James Freeman Gallery, Londra; Expanse RCB Photographers Gallery, 1PROJECTS / Photo Bangkok, Bangkok (2019); Tableau Vivant Anderson Gallery, Bridgewater State University, MA, USA (2017); Selected Works START with The LOFT at Lower Parel, Saatchi Gallery, Londra; Tableau Vivant Anima-Mundi Gallery, St Ives, Cornwall, UK (2016); Finta Realta TEN Gallery, Milano (2014). Premi: Print Commission- Royal Academy of Arts (RA Schools 250) (2019); Print Commission- Royal Academy of Arts (Edizioni RA) (2015); BNL Finalista Premio BNP Paribas Group (MIA, Milano); Kids of Dada Up and Coming Award (vincitore congiunto) (2014); Print Commission- Royal Academy of Arts (Edizioni RA) 2011; Premio FSA per lavori ambiziosi (2006).
“Suzanne Moxhay crea un lavoro nel quale i confini tra fotografia e pittura vengono offuscati. Combinando il letteralismo della fotografia con le qualità più ineffabili della pittura, le sue misteriose stampe digitali creano spazi atmosferici che sono allo stesso tempo del tutto familiari e assolutamente strani. Le origini ovviamente fotografiche delle sue opere suggeriscono uno spazio reale, ma poi ci perdiamo in zone dipinte che appiattiscono la prospettiva e ci obbligano a librarci tra due e tre dimensioni. Mentre esploriamo le stanze silenziose di Moxhay rimaniamo costantemente sorpresi: le ombre cadono nella direzione sbagliata, le fotografie di falene vere volano nell’aria evocate dalla pittura, e ciò che inizialmente sembra espansivo diventa improvvisamente superficiale”
Richard Davey
Born in 1976, lives and works in London. She is a graduate of the Royal Academy Schools and has exhibited widely, both nationally and internationally, since 2002. Her work is held in many significant public and private collections including the University of the Arts Collection, The Royal Academy of Arts, The Cooper Union New York, the FSC, the Lodeveans Collection and Oxford University.
She has featured in numerous publications including The Guardian, Corriere della Sera, Liberation, The Wall Street Journal, A-N Magazine, Art World Magazine and Aesthetica and has been profiled and interviewed on the BBC Culture Show. Her exhibitions include ‘GSK Contemporary: Earth Art of a Changing World’ and ‘Constructed Landscapes’ at the Royal Academy of Arts, ‘Saatchi’s New Sensations/ The Future Can Wait’ at Victoria House, London and ‘Human Made Things’ at Aspex Gallery, Portsmouth and ‘Modell-Naturen’ which toured public galleries in Germany throughout 2019. She has had three prints commissioned by the Royal Academy of Arts.
Select solo exhibitions: Tableaux Vivants Galerie G, La Garde, Provence, France (2020); Conservatory James Freeman Gallery, London; Expanse RCB Photographers Gallery, 1PROJECTS / Photo Bangkok, Bangkok (2019); Tableau Vivant Anderson Gallery, Bridgewater State University, MA, USA (2017); Selected Works START with The LOFT at Lower Parel, Saatchi Gallery, London; Tableau Vivant Anima-Mundi Gallery, St Ives, Cornwall, UK (2016); Finta Realta TEN Gallery, Milan (2014). Awards: Print Commission- Royal Academy of Arts (RA Schools 250) (2019); Print Commission- Royal Academy of Arts (RA Editions) (2015); BNL BNP Paribas Group Award Finalist (MIA, Milan); Kids of Dada Up and Coming Award (Joint winner) (2014); Print Commission- Royal Academy of Arts (RA Editions) 2011; FSA Ambitious Works Award (2006).
‘Suzanne Moxhay creates work which blurs the boundaries between photography and painting. Combining photography’s literalism with painting’s more ineffable qualities, her mysterious digital prints create atmospheric spaces that are simultaneously entirely familiar and utterly strange. The obviously photographic origins of her works suggest a real space, but then we lose ourselves in painted areas that flatten the perspective and require us to hover between two and three dimensions. As we explore Moxhay’s silent rooms we are constantly surprised: shadows fall in the wrong direction, photographs of real moths fly in air conjured from paint, and what first appears expansive suddenly becomes shallow’
Richard Davey