Simon Reilly


Nato a Dublino. Attraversa il confine per studiare arte all’Università di Belfast durante il nadir del conflitto in Irlanda del Nord. Per dieci anni è stato un outsider ma anche testimone di quotidiane violenze partigiane fino a trovare una via di uscita con un anno di residenza presso la British School di Roma. Per diversi anni, dipinse in Italia e in Grecia, poi si trasferisce a New York per lavorare principalmente in ambito cinematografico. Ed infine, a Los Angeles, in California, dove si dedica all’espressione con la quale si trova più a suo agio, la pittura ad olio su larga scala.

Nel corso della sua carriera, Simon si è esibito a livello nazionale e internazionale, ricevendo numerose borse di studio e premi. Il suo lavoro va inteso come un’astrazione organica, allo stesso tempo gestuale e paesaggistica, dove ambienti botanici e costruiti veicolano superfici e dimensioni, quiescenza e dinamismo, un terreno pittorico accessibile ma sovrapposto a una volatilità iterativa. Tra le sue personali: Duality, David Cunningham Projects, San Francisco, CA; Nation Once Again, Geo Arte Contemporanea, Bari, Italia; Recent Works, Pantazidis Gallery, Atene, Grecia; Shame, Limerick City Art Gallery, Limerick, Irlanda; Anya von Gosseln Gallery, Dublino, Irlanda; Orchard Gallery, Derry, Irlanda del Nord, UK; New Works, Green on Red Gallery, Dublino, Irlanda; Paintings, Temple Bar Gallery, Dublino, Irlanda; Paintings, Arts Council Gallery, Belfast, Irlanda del Nord, UK; No-Thing, Kerlin Gallery, Belfast, Irlanda del Nord, UK. Tra le sue partecipazioni a mostre collettive: Artport: making waves, climate change film festival. Musee de la chasse La Nature; Horse Drawn: Contemporary Artists Study the Form, Gallery of Photography, Dublino, Irlanda; Green Screen Festival, Cool Stories, 1 Film Society of Lincoln Center, New York, NY; The Horse Show, RHA Gallery, Dublino, Irlanda, and touring Europe CINEMA PLANETA International Environmental Film Festival, Cuernavaca, Mexico; Highlights, David Cunningham Gallery, San Francisco, US e Festival de l’Image Environnementale, Paris, France. Tra i premi e le commissioni: Artists Fellowship Inc., Borsa di studio (2006); Arts Council of Ireland, Major Bursary (1999); Comitato per le relazioni culturali, borsa di studio del dipartimento estero, Ireland Arts Flight (1996); Arts Flight, Premio per i viaggi dell’Arts Council of Ireland (1995); Borsa di studio del Consiglio per le arti (1994). È presente in numerose pubblicazioni specializzate, come: Irish Arts Review, From a Distance, by Perry Ogden (2014); NY Arts magazine, Dec/Jan Edition (2009) e Start magazine, Spring Edition (2007).

Le sue opere si trovano in collezioni private negli Stati Uniti, Inghilterra, Irlanda, Italia, Austria, Grecia, Svizzera e Indonesia.

Was born in Dublin. He crossed the border to study art at the University of Belfast during the nadir of the Northern Ireland conflict. For ten years he was both outsider and witness to quotidian partisan violence until finding escape in a year-long residency at the British School of Rome. He painted in Italy and Greece for several years, eventually moving to New York where he worked and showed principally in the film medium. Throughout his career, Simon has shown nationally and internationally, receiving numerous grants and awards. After an impulsive move to Los Angeles, California, he returned to large-scale oil painting where he is most comfortable.

His work reads as organic abstraction, at once gestural and landscape, conveying botanic and constructed environments, surface and dimension, the quiescent and dynamic, an accessible, painterly ground overlaid with an iterative volatility. Selected solo exhibitions: Duality, David Cunningham Projects, San Francisco, CA; Nation Once Again, Geo Arte Contemporanea, Bari, Italy; Recent Works, Pantazidis Gallery, Athens, Greece; Shame, Limerick City Art Gallery, Limerick, Ireland Anya von Gosseln Gallery, Dublin, Ireland Orchard Gallery, Derry, Northern Ireland, UK; New Works, Green on Red Gallery, Dublin, Ireland; Paintings, Temple Bar Gallery, Dublin, Ireland; Paintings, Arts Council Gallery, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK; No-Thing, Kerlin Gallery, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK. Selected group exhibitions: Artport: making waves, climate change film festival. Musee de la chasse La Nature; Horse Drawn: Contemporary Artists Study the Form, Gallery of Photography, Dublin, Ireland; Green Screen Festival, Cool Stories, 1 Film Society of Lincoln Center, New York, NY; The Horse Show, RHA Gallery, Dublin, Ireland, and touring Europe CINEMA PLANETA International Environmental Film Festival, Cuernavaca, Mexico; Highlights, David Cunningham Gallery, San Francisco, US and Festival de l’Image Environnementale, Paris, France. Between Awards and Commissions: Artists Fellowship Inc., Bursary (2006); Arts Council of Ireland, Major Bursary (1999); Cultural Relations Committee, Foreign Department Grant, Ireland Arts Flight (1996); Arts Flight, Arts Council of Ireland Travel Award Grant (1995); Arts Council Major Bursary Grant (1994). He is included in numerous specialist publications, such as: Irish Arts Review, From a Distance, by Perry Ogden (2014); NY Arts magazine, Dec/Jan Edition (2009) and Start magazine, Spring Edition (2007).

His works are in private collections in US, England, Ireland, Italy, Austria, Greece, Switzerland, and Indonesia.

Available Works