Barbara Nati


Nata a Roma il 15 Agosto 1980. Vive e lavora tra Gran Bretagna e Italia. Ha preso lezioni alla Parson School of Design di New York. Da allora ha stabilito una reputazione a livello internazionale per le sue complesse composizioni ibride. Ha vinto il premio John Hurt Art Prize, Norfolk, UK; il Premio per l’acquisto della collezione The Ingram a Londra; ha vinto la sezione People’s Choice del Bridgeman Studio Award, Londra; l’Ashurst Art Prize Employee’s choice award, Londra 2015; il Premio Andrea Mantegna a Mantova nel 2014 ed il Premio Arte Rinascimentale dell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Londra nel 2010.

Ha esposto in diverse fiere d’arte tra cui MIA Milan Image Fair; Asia Contemporary Hong Kong; Art Verona; Peckham International Art Fair e in The Other Art Fair a Londra. Ha partecipato a residenze d’artista presso European Artists a Olofström, Svezia nel 2013 e Digital Arts Studios a Belfast nel 2009.

Tra le personali e i progetti recenti: Barbara Nati solo show, Colorida galeria de arte, Lisbona, Portogallo; Pixel Kingdom (opera realizzata dal vivo) MACRO Museo d’arte contemporanea di Roma; ISe il presente non basta, Museo Civico Palazzo Penna, Perugia, Italia; Countless Tomorrows, (a cura di Gaia Conti), Andrea Ingenito Contemporary Art, Milano; Alla deriva (a cura di Camilla Mineo), Ospedale Vecchio, Festival Parma360 (2018); In agguato dietro all’idillio, Casa d’Arte La Barbagianna, Pontassieve (FI); Upcoming memories (a cura di Vanessa J Brady), 10GS Mayfair, Londra (2015); Gravitas, Barbara Nati – Matteo Pugliese, Artribù Art House, Roma; A journey through illusion, CueB gallery, Londra (2014); Unpredictable trees (a cura di Massimo Sgroi), The Format Contemporary, Milano (2013); Le città promesse (a cura di Maria Cristina Strati), Marena Rooms Galley, Torino (2011). Selezione collettive recenti: Out of the wild, The CAMP Gallery, Miami; Victoria Place Art Project: Open House, The Lighbox Galleries, Woking; Nature and the artifice, CAMP gallery, Miami; Intimists, LaFenice Art Gallery, Hong Kong; London Group Open, The Cello Factory, Londra; Tomorrow’s world, Atom Gallery, Londra; Editioned, Store Street Gallery, Londra; Merge Visible. A focus on digital collage, Mall Galleries, Londra; Candido, ovvero il migliore dei mondi possibili, Alidem showroom, Milano; Columbia Threadneedle Prize, Londra; Thirty4Thirty, Mostra opere finaliste, National Theatre, Londra; This is Contemporary, Fondazione Bartoli Felter, Cagliari; L’Arte per l’Articolo 9, Istallazione colletiva Permanente, Ex Cartiera latina, Parco dell’Appia antica; The wisdom of escape, Nancy Victor Gallery, Londra; Weird and wonderful, CueB Gallery, London; Il fantastico Differente, Art&Co gallerie, Parma.

Born in Rome on August 15, 1980, living and working between Britain and Italy. She took classes at Parson School of Design, New York. She has since established an international reputation for her complex compositions-hybrids. She was awarded the Prize John Hurt Art Prize, Norfolk, UK; The Ingram collection purchase Prize in London, she won the People’s Choice section of Bridgeman Studio Award, London, she was awarded the Ashurst Art Prize Employee’s choice award, London in 2015, the Andrea Mantegna Prize in Mantua in 2014 and the Renaissance Art Prize by the Italian cultural Institute of London in 2010.

She has exhibited at several Art Fairs including MIA Milan Image Fair, Asia Contemporary Hong Kong, ArtVerona, Peckham international Art Fair and The Other Art Fair in London. She has been a resident artist at European Artists in Olofström, Sweden in 2013 and Digital Arts Studios in Belfast in 2009.

Latest solo shows: Barbara Nati solo show, Colorida galeria de arte, Lisbon, Portugal; Pixel Kingdom, Work created live for MACRO Contemporary art museum in Rome; If the present is not enough, Palazzo Penna Civic Museum. Perugia, Italy; Countless Tomorrows (curated by Gaia Conti), Andrea Ingenito Contemporary Art, Milan; Adrift (a cura di Camilla Mineo), Old Hospital, Festival Parma360 (2018); What lurks behind the idylls, Barbagianna ArtHouse. Pontassieve, Tuscany; Upcoming memories (curated by Vanessa J Brady), 10GS Mayfair, Londra (2015); Gravitas, Barbara Nati – Matteo Pugliese, Artribù Art House, Rome; A journey through illusion, CueB gallery, London (2014); Unpredictable trees (curated by Massimo Sgroi), The Format Contemporary, Milano (2013); Le città promesse (curated by Maria Cristina Strati), Marena Rooms Galley, Turin (2011). Latest group shows: Out of the wild, The CAMP Gallery, Miami; Victoria Place Art Project: Open House, The Lighbox Galleries, Woking; Nature and the artifice, CAMP gallery Miami; Intimists, LaFenice Art Gallery, Hong Kong; LondonGroup Open, The Cello Factory, London; Tomorrow’s world, Atom Gallery, London; Editioned, Store Street Gallery, London; Merge Visible. A focus on digital collage, Mall Galleries, London; Candide, the best of all possible worlds, Alidem showroom, Milan; Columbia Threadneedle Prize, Mall Galleries, London; Thirty4Thirty Art Award. Shortlisted work. National Theatre, London; Art for Article 9 of the Constitution, Permanent group installation, Appia Antica Park, Rome; The wisdom of escape. Nancy Victor Gallery, London; Weird and wonderful, CueB Gallery, London; Il fantastico Differente, Art&Co gallerie, Parma.


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